Preparing for Holiday Toys
Amy Mayorga, a KonMari® expert, tells us how to declutter toys before the holidays
With holiday season quickly approaching, you might be thinking, “How can I prepare my home for all those holiday gifts… especially the toys?” Having a plan in place may make it less stressful and wont derail your efforts to simplify or declutter your space. If you are like many parents out there and struggling with getting the toys under control, then this is for you.
To begin with, just a friendly reminder that kids actually don’t need that many toys. In fact too much stuff can actually be over-stimulating to little ones.
In fact, a study found that children were much more creative when they had less toys and played with each toy for twice as long. The study suggested that an increased number of toys may create more distraction. “When provided with fewer toys in the environment, toddlers engaged in longer periods of play with a single toy, allowing better focus to explore and play more creatively". – Dr. Carly Dauch in the journal Infant Behaviour and Development.
Having too many toys can lead a child to jump quickly from one thing to another without focus, or lead them to dumping bins of toys looking for the one they want. As parents trying to keep a tidy space, this can be frustrating. Fewer toys means that it is easier to clean up, easier to find the ones you are looking for, and that you, as parents, can be selective with the ones you bring into your home.
Okay that’s all great, but how do you prepare for this holiday season when MORE toys will be coming into your home? Declutter first. Don’t wait until Christmas morning, get it done now so you are prepared for the holidays. Remember why you want to simplify. Remind yourself of your vision for your family and your goals in this process. Simplicity Parenting is a great book to up your motivation if you are an overwhelmed parent. “Simplification is not just about taking things away. It is about making room, creating space in your life, your intentions, and your heart.”― Lisa M. Ross, Simplicity Parenting.
Decluttering toys with a Professional Organizer’s guidance
Here are a few steps to reduce the toy overwhelm in preparation of holiday gifts:
1. Collect all the toys in your house in one area.
2. Do a sweep of the toys by yourself first if your kids are on the younger side and eliminate any broken toys, duplicates, etc. Use your parental judgment here, some may want to do this with their kids.
3. Donate the duplicates and recycle or toss the broken ones.
4. Invite your child into the activity if they are old enough (roughly 3- 4 years old or older) so that they can “Make room for new holiday toys.” Ask them to select their most favorite toys and put them aside. Focus on the positive and the toys they are keeping. The focus should not be what they are getting rid of.
5. If your child seems stressed emphasize that their old toys will go to other kids who need toys. Also stress that the holidays are coming up and “We need to make space for the gifts you will get!”
6. Donate any remaining toys that aren’t selected as favorites by your child and include your children in the donation process if possible. You could have them in the car when you do a donation drop off or give the toys to a family with younger kids etc.
The more you include your child in the process, the more likely they will be to complete a sweep next time and hopefully carry with them this skill when they are older. If you have younger siblings or plan to have more children, then only store the your favorite toys, you know the ones that were played with over and over or the high quality toys that brought you or your kids joy, the toys that realistically you would purchase or search out again.
Up in the next blog post will be a few ideas of clutter free (or more intentional) gift ideas for your little ones.